2009 WCRF Seminar Lineup
‡ November 20, 21 and 22 Updated 9/10/2009. Previous Update . |
Click on presenter's name for biographical information. |
on the |
Vaudeville to the Nickelodeon: The Forgotten Sensation of the
Illustrated Song As ragtime and popular music took root in the 1890s, new industries developed that helped sheet music publishers sell their music and create the hits. Galen’s last seminar discussed the phonograph. This year, he focuses on another missing chapter in the ragtime story – the illustrated song – a highly effective marketing tool and forgotten rage of the era. Once again Galen presents historical reenactments of this colorful and theatrical form of entertainment , using actual artifacts from the era. (Don't miss Galen’s exhibit on display throughout the festival.) |
Rediscovered |
in Ragtime: Style and Interpretation Over the Decades Each "generation" of ragtime and stride pianists bore a different set of stylistic, interpretational, and compositional characteristics. Max Keenlyside defines, discusses, and demonstrates these characteristics through old recordings and live-performance examples. Musicians covered encompass the original composers of the music right up to present-day pianists. |
Copeland – A Ragtime Odyssey Trebor Tichenor explores the life and music of an eccentric ragtimer, Les Copeland. He was born in Kansas, played the western Gold Rush towns, beat out Brun Campbell for a job with Lew Dockstader’s Minstrels, played in New York City vaudeville, made piano rolls, and invaded Paris, France in the 1920s where he is recalled in a bartender’s memoires. |
Dolceola – A Lovely, Rare, Miniature Piano of 1904 Jump
to Schedule The Dolceola, a miniature piano with a true hammer mechanism, was produced between 1904 and 1908 and described by the manufacturer as “equal to two mandolins and two guitars” as well as “a miniature grand piano.” Today very few of these instruments are in working condition but Ray Skjelbred found one and brings it (fully restored by Seattle pianist Dan Grinstead) to illustrate its amazing sound. He discusses the instrument’s history and demonstrates how to navigate its eccentric keyboard pattern of single notes and chords. |
of Eubie Blake In 1977 when ragtime, stride, and pop-to-light classics composer/pianist Eubie Blake visited Norway, Morten Gunner Larsen spent important times with him and was inspired to continue on his road into ragtime and jazz. Morten recollects this visit with photographs, private recordings, and letters from Eubie, plus excerpts from the Norwegian Radio interview Eubie made that year (in English of course!). At the piano, Morten demonstrates Eubie’s remarkable style and presents some manuscripts, including Randi´s Rag, a piece Eubie composed for Randi Hultin, the journalist who was instrumental in bringing Eubie to Europe (and convincing Eubie to take his very first flight). |