Robbie Rhodes
Etiwanda, California
Updated 9/27/04

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Robbie Rhodes plays 1920s-style piano in jazz and dance bands and performs as a soloist and accompanist. He also arranges music for bands and makes music rolls for player pianos and other self-playing instruments. He is retired from Lockheed Corp. after working 26 years as an electronic designer, and now is moderator of the e-mail discussion forum, Mechanical Music Digest.

Since 1965 he has played with the South Frisco Jazz Band, and he regularly performs with the Titanic Jazz Band of Los Angeles at concerts and festivals. He has recorded with bands of Ernie Carson, Hal Smith, in collaborations with John W. "Knocky" Parker, and recently he released his own CD of solo piano stylings. From 1966 to 1971 he played ragtime piano and calliope during the summers and holidays at Disneyland. His piano roll performances have been published by Hot Piano Classics and BluesTone and Play-Rite music roll companies.

As an accompanist he worked extensively with vocalist Sherri Colby and entertainer Rosy McHargue, and he arranged music and performed on Rosy's CD production, Oh, How He Can Sing! He appeared in concert with piano greats Johnny Guarnieri, Shelton Brooks and Joe Jordan, and with radio announcer Harry Von Zell in the road show, Whatever Happened to 1910.

Each summer since 1976 he has performed in the annual Old Town Music Hall Ragtime Festival at Old Town Music Hall in El Segundo, Calif. In March 2004 he recorded a CD with the Jurbena Jazz Band of the Netherlands and performed in the annual Bohém Ragtime & Jazz Fesztivál in several cities throughout Hungary. Robbie lives with his wife, Carole, in Etiwanda, Calif.