Request or renew your membership using PayPal.
You may also make tax deductible contribution here using PayPal. |
Membership: Please join or renew your yearly West Coast Ragtime Society
membership today. Membership becomes due on December 31 of each year.
Your membership serves as a vote of confidence, helps cover Society
expenses, nets you discounts for WCRS-sponsored concerts, places you on
the mailing list to receive our West Coast Ragtimer newsletter
(published two times per year), and makes you welcome at WCRS Board
meetings. |
CONTRIBUTIONS: We welcome your voluntary contribution to aid the Society in its mission. West Coast Ragtime Society is a 501(c) (3) tax exempt organization and is entirely a run by volunteers. Badge sales alone do not cover the totality of costs associated with producing the annual festival, our youth program, piano moving and tuning, equipment purchases and maintenance, newsletter production and mailing, advertising, insurance, and even ASCAP fees. It is the responsible generosity of folk like you that help make possible West Coast Ragtime Society's commitment to the ragtime community. All donations are tax deductible. |
MAKE A DONATION TO West Coast Ragtime Society |
To make a donation, click one
of the fund buttons to open West Coast Ragtime
Society's PayPal donation page. Enter the donation amount and
complete the transaction. WCRS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization and all donations are tax deductible. Your support
is greatly appreciated. |