Expect A Great
Time At The Festival Don't
expect to wait around to hear ragtime! It begins Friday at noon and goes until
11 PM and continues Saturday from 9 AM to 11 PM and Sunday from 9 AM until 5 PM.
And you can expect after-hours Ragtime Friday and Saturday nights from 11 PM to,
well, let's say late.
We have five venues all on the ground floor level, which run
simultaneously, almost nonstop throughout the three days of the festival. They
do close for short periods on a rotating schedule for piano tuning and room
setup. There are Ragtime Stores where you can purchase our performers' music
and recordings, as well as vintage clothing and accessories. |
2022 Performers
Individual Performers: Elliott Adams, Nick Aretega, Clint Baker, Ramona Baker, Jeff Barnhart, Chris & Jack Bradshaw, Michael Chisholm, Danny Coots, Jared DiBartolomeo, Richard Dowling, Marty Eggers, Eve Elliott, Kevin Gunia, Frederick Hodges, Brian Holland, Vincent Johnson, Ethan Leinwand, Carl Sonny Leyland, TJ Muller, Will Perkins, Christoph Schmetterer, Ray Skjelbred, Martin Spitznagel, Squeek Steele, Adam Swanson, Virginia Tichenor, Matt Tolentino, John Reed Torres |
Youth Performers: Jade Anderson, Isaiah Burton, Anthony Sarginson, Lilianne Tao, Tadao Tomokiyo |
Groups: Crown Syncopators, Ivory&GoldŽ, Freebadge Serenaders, Easy Winners, Sullivans/Drivons, Pacific Coast Ragtime Orchestra, Porcupines |
Seminar Presenters: Check back. |
Dance Instructors: Check back. |
Piano Accompanists: Check back. |
Theme Sets & Special Shows: The festival includes many "themed"
performances that cover particular aspects of ragtime and
related music. There are also special shows that are more
theatrical or involve the attendees — for example, the Festival
Sampler and the Grand March. Check back. |
Last Year's Festival:
an idea of West Coast Ragtime Festival, be sure to check
information (e.g., performers, schedule, etc.) on LAST YEAR'S FESTIVAL. |
Festival Volunteers: The festival would not be possible without our volunteers. Volunteers, in exchange for their time, can attend performances and special shows during their off-hours. To volunteer or for information click here to send an email to the
Volunteer Coordinators, Kurt and Alicia Fulbright, or contact them by mail at: |
West Coast Ragtime Society, Volunteers, PO Box 13346, Sacramento, CA 95813-3346 |
Open Piano Open piano will be held throughout the Festival. Open Piano is a chance for ANYONE to get up and play — even if you only know one number! To sign up, see the MC, who will take your name, tell you when it's your turn to play, and introduce you. The open piano schedule will appear in the festival program and full schedule when available. |
Musician Merchandise: This year musicians will be selling their own merchandise at their sets. We'll have tables set up outside the venues in the hallway for musician merchandise sales. |
Vintage Vendors: Located in the Santa Rosa Room will be vintage merchandise for sale. |
Lisa Van Wambeck of Owllamode makes vintage inspired, handmade hats, headpieces and other adornments, using lots of original vintage materials and repurposed or humanely sourced feathers. "I particularly draw on styles of the 1920's and 1930's for inspiration, as well as the natural world, and am sometimes moved to incorporate elements of the odd and the unexpected..." |
Hawthorn'e Antique Audio will be offering vintage sheet music. Hours: Friday Noon to 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. |
After Hours: After-hours sessions, another festival
tradition, are held Friday and Saturday from 11 PM till the wee hours. All are welcome to play and socialize, with the only "rule" being to yield the stage after a reasonable time if someone else is waiting for a chance to play. |
Post-Festival Party and Dinner: Sunday, 5:30 pm
One last chance to hear great ragtime! The hotel provides a plated dinner and the bar is available. Seating capacity is limited so buy your tickets ahead for this event to be assured a seat. |
New This Year! You can pre-order Sunday Evening Post-Festival Dinners and be assured of seating. Order dinners and badges together, or separately with PayPal, or Credit Card, or by Check.
Dinner pre-order cutoff date is November 1. |
Your WCRS Membership Will Be Well Appreciated. Your membership serves as a vote of confidence, helps cover Society expenses, nets you discounts for WCRS sponsored concerts, places you on the mailing list to receive our West Coast Ragtimer published two or three times per year (Click here for archived newsletters) and makes you welcome at WCRS Board meetings (not to mention, vulnerable for volunteer work). Annual membership dues in the Society are $20 for Individual Membership and $30 for Couples Membership. Memberships becomes due December 31 of each year. You may join or renew your membership using
, or Credit Card, or Check. You may also include membership when Purchasing Festival Badges. |
More Information: If you haven't found the festival information you were looking for,Click here to email a Request for Festival Information, You may contact us by phone, the number is (916) 457-3324. To contact us by postal mail to: West Coast Ragtime Society, PO Box 13346, Sacramento, CA 95813-3346. |
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